Power and Media Industries

Power and Media Industries "Diversity is in the public interest - but modern societies suffer from collective attention deficit disorders (..) the public interest has to work harder to be noticed, and we need agile but resourceful media to do that" - Curran and Seaton. Technology can give us 'add' as it serves as an distraction. Digital Technologies - Mobile phones, Laptops etc - They are special because they have access to the internet. Monopoly The exclusive ownership or control of something. British Newspaper Ownership Charts Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp own the newspapers who have the most marketshare - this is notable. This is an example of conglomeration. Subsidiary - A smaller company owned by a large corporation, this is also an example. For example Disney own: Marvel (Superheroes) LucasFilms (StarWars etc) Pixar Theme Parks Hotels Channel abc Vice (Stoner magazine) Walt Disney Studios History LucasArt...