Advertising through Adbusters
How does the website reinforce the brand identity of the magazine?

Is there a clear 'house style' that is evident across the magazine and the website?

What does the website offer that is different from the content of the magazine?

How does the website extend the Brand?

How does Adbusters extend the brand?

How can reader interact with Adbusters?

It is important for print magazine publishers like 'Adbusters' to have an online presence as it allows them to publish content that they would not be able to print. For example on the Adbusters website it features a 'video of the week' section, the only way content like this could be viewed in print would be through storyboarding and for a clip this long would take up lot of space and cost a lot to print, upping the cost of the magazine for the audience. This way the audience can view it online for free and is made portable through the rising popularity in handheld devices. Additionally content can avoid regulation laws in the Uk, as the servers the content is published in exist in the US where the content laws are more relaxed, in this way ideologies of the producers can be accepted by an audience that would have previously have not been received by an audience due to regulation laws. Albert Bandura's theory of media affects applies to this as audiences begin to accept the theory they have seen online and will keep coming back for more, hence keeping the magazine in print.In this way the producer can present his ideologies in the form of propaganda across an online presence, where more people are likely to stumble across it and they can post whatever content they like as there is no way of it being filtered unlike the way it would be in print.
So this year, at a moment in human history when global warming is breathing down our necks, why not do something wildly different: Ignore Black Friday! If enough of us do that, each in our own sweet way, we might be on our way to the most joyous holiday season we’ve ever had.

Is protest broken? Micah White, co-creator of Occupy Wall Street, thinks so. Recent years have witnessed the largest protests in human history. Yet these mass mobilizations no longer change society. Now activism is at a crossroads: innovation or irrelevance.

Adbusters is a luxury, it is expensive and is not what most people would consider buying. It does not present an alternative to the luxuries.
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