Explore how codes and conventions create meaning in this film poster. [15]
Question 2 is based on an unseen film poster for Let Me In, released in 2010. Study the film poster carefully before answering the question.
2. Explore how codes and conventions create meaning in this film poster. [15]

This film poster suggests that the movie is a supernatural horror, the mise-en-scene of the blood running down the girl's lips has connotations of vampires and other supernatural beings, this is anchored by the review stated from 'Bloodydisgusting.com' that states 'The new standard for vampire movies'. The monotone colour scheme of the focal image creates a binary opposition between that and the red stars of the reviews of which could further symbolise blood, gore and death.
The serif font used for the title of the film has connotations of old text and Latin, of which the topic of supernatural beings was regularly written about, This could be a hermenutic code to suggest the movie is about something ungodly and beyond the power of human beings. In addition to this, the close up shot of the two children suggests a level of intimacy with the audience, and that something terrible is about to happen.
The mise-en-scene of the body hanging in the forest, its typical of the horror genre, this in combination with the '15' age certification suggests that this movie is not appropriate for children and possibly contains some dark content. The binary opposition of the dark outline of the body hanging in the woods and the bright montone fire in the background suggests the movie is about a fight between light and dark - god against the devil. The colour white has connotations of purity and innocence, whilst black has connotations of mystery, the unknown and supernatural powers.
The girl in the main focal image is pictured in black and white, however the mise-en-scene of her eyes being lit up in colour suggests that she is not human or that maybe she is a vampire. This is a a typical convention of supernatural movies and the red blood dripping out of her mouth and onto her chin is an intertextual reference to Dracula movie posters of where Dracula is pictured with blood running down his chin in a similar style. This allows fans of movies such as Dracula to recognise the similarity and potentially be attracted to watching this film if they liked the last one.
2. Explore how codes and conventions create meaning in this film poster. [15]

This film poster suggests that the movie is a supernatural horror, the mise-en-scene of the blood running down the girl's lips has connotations of vampires and other supernatural beings, this is anchored by the review stated from 'Bloodydisgusting.com' that states 'The new standard for vampire movies'. The monotone colour scheme of the focal image creates a binary opposition between that and the red stars of the reviews of which could further symbolise blood, gore and death.
The serif font used for the title of the film has connotations of old text and Latin, of which the topic of supernatural beings was regularly written about, This could be a hermenutic code to suggest the movie is about something ungodly and beyond the power of human beings. In addition to this, the close up shot of the two children suggests a level of intimacy with the audience, and that something terrible is about to happen.
The mise-en-scene of the body hanging in the forest, its typical of the horror genre, this in combination with the '15' age certification suggests that this movie is not appropriate for children and possibly contains some dark content. The binary opposition of the dark outline of the body hanging in the woods and the bright montone fire in the background suggests the movie is about a fight between light and dark - god against the devil. The colour white has connotations of purity and innocence, whilst black has connotations of mystery, the unknown and supernatural powers.
The girl in the main focal image is pictured in black and white, however the mise-en-scene of her eyes being lit up in colour suggests that she is not human or that maybe she is a vampire. This is a a typical convention of supernatural movies and the red blood dripping out of her mouth and onto her chin is an intertextual reference to Dracula movie posters of where Dracula is pictured with blood running down his chin in a similar style. This allows fans of movies such as Dracula to recognise the similarity and potentially be attracted to watching this film if they liked the last one.
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