Learning Conversation - First year version

Learning Conversation - First year version:

What do you think has gone particularly well so far this year? What are your strengths?

-Analysis of texts, finding the hidden meaning behind things.What is stopping you from achieving your goals? What threats might you face, (for example not enough time, lack of organisation, pressure from other subjects...)

- Leaving for school very early and not getting back till late (Not having enough time to do homework) Also not getting enough time for sleep.
Identify 3 specific targets for yourself for the rest of this year. They can be both academic and organisational goals.

- Watch more media/TV to broaden my knowledge
- Use my free periods to get my homework done as soon as possible instead of going home/into town.
-  More frequent revision over my notes to get the information into my head.

What grade do you want to achieve in media studies?

- A/B

Do you have any suggestions about the course?

- More handwritten work (I take the information in better)


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