How does the marketing campaign for 'Straight Outta Compton' target and negotiate with the audience?

How does the marketing campaign for 'Straight Outta Compton' target and negotiate with the audience?

The film 'Straight outta Compton' used a viral marketing technique in order to capture its audience. For example it communicated through the use of memes to capture the attention of a modern day internet-born audience, with the meme itself had nearly 6 million personalized labels being shared online. In addition to this the word 'Compton' was literally painted all of the skies of LA in order to catch peoples attention.

'Racial marketing' was also used to promote the trailer on Facebook, of which caught people's attention and prompted them to share it, causing it to become a viral sensation. Universal made a more 'educating' trailer for white people and a separate one for those such as Latinos, as they felt that white people would likely know less about the musical careers of stars such as N.W.A and ice Cube.

In addition to this Universal created a simple idea that they would make a customisable meme that allowed people to 'rep their own city'. Users could show to the world where they were from by uploading a photo of their choice a filling in the blank of ''straight Outta _______''. This allowed the marketing department to connect with the audience and let the audience market the film for them. 


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