Newspaper Quiz

Newspaper Quiz

Mast Head - Front Page - Title of Newspaper

Barcode - used to scan newspaper when purchased

Caption - Brief title underneath an image

Headline - Phrase that summaries main point of article

Main Image/Splash - Big picture on front cover

Page Numbers - System of organisation through newspaper

Target Audience - People who newspaper aims to sell to

Pull Quote - Something taken within an article

Classified Ad - An advert that uses only text

Skyline - An information panel on the first page

Edition - Newspapers print several every night

Stand First - Block text that introduces story

Byline - The line above the story that introduces the author

Body Text - written material that makes up the main part of the article

Stand Alone - Picture story that can stand by itself

Two Page Spread - Photograph that runs through the middle two pages

Lead Story - Main Story

Gutter - The blank space between the margins

Folio - The top label for the whole page. E.g. National to international news

Page Furniture - Everything on a page except a picture or text of the story

Sell Line - Something that promises something inside e.g. Free Gift


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