Adbuster's lesson 2
Adbuster's lesson 2
Commodity fetishism - Giving significant value to an object
The conflict between the working class and the ruling class. The poor are kept poor by the ruling class who exploit them. This presents the working class from rising up.
The ruling class uses commodity fetishism to keep the working class in their place.

The tap is presented to be glamorous, and presents romance. The 'Him' presents personification of the tap, and presents a sexual element, much alike a perfume advert. The high angle shot express the woman's thinking, her empty hands represents she has nothing. Her hands are wrinkly of which suggests she has been submerged in water, of which implies she has more than these other people. the binary opposition of left to right, to Zucchetti water is worthless - the tap is the fetish. The water is glamourised to be made into a product - commodified. Adbusters are protected by the fair use policy, they can use it for an educational purpose.
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