Magazine Industry
Brand Identity:
How a business presents itself to and wants to be perceived by its consumers. It is a way of distinguishing different companies.
When a magazine targets an audience, they are also constructing a specific audience. This creates a guarantee that the audience will come back - Brand Loyalty. This means that companies can sell specific adverts. A logo is important because a consumer can easily recognise a product. This brand identity creates trust between a company and a consumer.
Vogue July 1965
Cover Star - Sophia Loren. The classy Serif font has connotations of elegance and good posture. it is minimalistic and has a harsher more snobby appearance than the font of 'Woman. The bored expression of the model suggests she is 'over it' and that she is better that the women who could be reading it of which would put a working class audience off. The cover has a regal focus on the colour blue that has connotations of wealth and royalty of which suggests she is better than most society. The Vogue title doesn't stand out which suggests it already has an established audience - if you don't know what Vogue is then this magazine clearly isn't for you. This is a snobby mode of address, you must have established fashion knowledge in order to read Vogue. This is a high end fashion magazine for those who are more middle/higher class. She is 31 in this image and she looks much more mature than the image in 'Women' who we estimate is around 35. The price is not made very obvious. of which suggests that if you have to ask, then this magazine isn't for you. Vogue is extraordinarily exclusive, the emphasis is on the model not anything else. The lexis used is restricted, you can only understand it if you have a certain level of education. If you have this magazine you are apart of an exclusive club, Vogue has a confident Brand Identity that you have to buy into.

Woman - August 1964
Women magazine is cheap and comes out weekly so it aimed at working class women. These women would be either working in an unskilled job or would be a housewife. The model looks more naive and uneducated than the women on the vogue cover, this could suggest she doesn't need to be educated as she is just simply a housewife. Her 'fake' looking white smile looks forced, this is emphasised by her overdone looks. The bunched up lines look tense and unhappy, this suggests she is a passive person. The headline stands out as the magazine is not as well established as Vogue. Cluttered cover emphasises fun over fashion and is easily approachable, the model looks like she could be a mother.
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