Audience pleasures, uses and gratifications

Audience pleasures, uses and gratifications

Audience can take pleasure from a media product by sexual gratification.This means they find someone attractive. People can also aspire to be like these people in the media product. We can identifiy with the people on screen and the situation they are in. People also are attracted by the social interaction of the product, they can use it to relate to other people. Some audiences use the products as escapism - this assumes our reality is flawed. Survelliance, we see situations we wouldn't normally be allowed to see because they are illegal etc.

Prayer in C

The low angle mid shot of the woman's backside will give a male audience sexual gratification. It gives the audience an insight that they would not normally get as it would be perverted in real life.We are positioned in a voyeuristic proximity. The hegemonic nature of this video is very emphasised here. It reinforces women's role in society - for the male gaze.

This presents escapism because if you are watching this video you are most likely not at a party - the alcohol is a feature of mise-en-scence. It is presented to be fun and a carefree lifestyle. It converses the idea that drinking alcohol makes you cool.

This shot presents a 'bad boy aesthetic' of which would give aspiration to a target audience. In addition to this a rebel could relate to the rebelistic mise-en-scene of the skateboards and the black clothing. The mise-en-scene of the young people on the skateboards is emphasised through the low angle slow-mo tracking shots.

Rebecca Black - Friday

The video is heavily auto tuned - the same note is played over and over again. The lyrics are a monotonous description of daily routine "gotta have my bowl" there is no escapism. the mid shot of white, middle class teenagers in convertible car - they are trying to impersonate rap.


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