Breakfast Scene - Humans

Breakfast Scene

Middle class breakfast.
C/U of Anita's face when she is laughing.
Establishing shot of the nuclear family."Normal family with two adults, three kids'" Create as aspirational audience for the 30 something male middle class audience.
Slow pan to the mise-en-scene of the breakfast table, an easily identifiable scene for the middle class audience.
The C/U of Laura's face establishes her dislike of Anita, a relatable situation for the target audience who may debate over whether to get a maid or a cleaner.
The snide remark from Joe ''This is what breakfast is supposed to be like" - a low key dig at Laura, that is she is failing to provide and play the role of mother.
Provides a hyperreal fantasy aspiration for the middle class audience. 
The mise-en-scene of the dressing gowns conventional of the sitcom genre, yet unconventional of the sci-fi genre.
The debate of whether Anita is a slave or not.

A fan is an Active audience.


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