Key Theory 19

Roland Barthe - "The author is dead", this means that the author can write it how they like, however it is the audience who will interpret it however they like, not always how the author intended.

Clay Shirky "The audience had ended", audiences are no longer passive as they interact with media text, this makes the audience dead.

19 - ‘End of audience’ theories - Clay Shirky 

Image result for clay shirky
(newspaper, radio, video games, online media)

New media, as in the Internet and digital technologies, have had a significant effect on the relations between media and audiences
Just thinking of audience members as passive consumers of mass media content is no longer possible in the age of the Internet. Now, media consumers have become producers who ‘speak back to’ the media in various ways, creating and sharing content with one another.
This can be accomplished through comments sections, internet forums, and creating media products such as blogs or vlogs

Audience - late middle english from old french Latin : audientia.


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