Component 1 Section B Revision
Component 1 Section B Revision
Explore how audiences can use or interact with the advertisements you have studied
- Both encourage the audience to spend money
- Both feature women
- It sells an ideology and lifestyle to the audience
- Positions the audience to buy into the lifestyle that the product is selling
- Anchorage
- Cultivation theory - Gerbner
- Reception theory - Staurt Hall
- Soundtrack
- Stereotypes
- Binary oppositions - Roland Barthe
- Guilt tripping
- Lexis
- Close ups
- MES and Setting
- Identity Theory - David Gauntlet (Pick and Mix)
- Positivity and Happiness
- Intertextuality
- Presents facts to the audience
- Offers the audience a direct way to donate to the audience - easy to donate 'Text 000"
- Representations of Zambian women and their cultures - Binary oppositions target audience.
- "Sunny" has positive and utopian connotations - gives the idea that the audience will give these girls a positive future.
- Conventions of charity adverts: close up of black persons feet, wearing flimsy shoes. This forces the audience to emphasise with Claudia's situation
- Symbolic code of the bucket symbolises poverty and is connative of central African identity.
- Setting: it is quintessentially 'African' with MES of girls with buckets on heads, the hazy sunlight drifting through scrubby trees and the laughing children playing next to a water fountain provides the audience with the pleasure of escapism.
- Diegetic singing, togetherness and boderline worship of water presents a positive stereotype of black people yet also reinforces the ideological perspective that poor black African people should be thankful for the intervention and charity of white people or at least British people
Lusaka the capital city of Zambia is very well developed and shows reminisce to a western capital city. The advert has not set it here as it doesn't show the stereotype of poor Africa.
- 'You women' direct mode of address targets white working class women in a community that can be achieved through purchasing tide.
- The housewife is an aspirational woman and gives the target audience some to aspire to be as she is slim, attractive and glamourous.
- Promotes cleaning and washing clothes as a positive and optimistic lifestyle. This reinforces the stereotype that women play a limited role in society.
- Sociohistorical context of the 1950s - limited roles and opportunities for women and reinforces hegemony
- Z line rule provides the audience with a simple and easy to follow set of instructions, allowing them to feel confident to use the product.
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