Online Media - Industry and Audience

Online Media - Industry and Audience

Pokemon Trailer re-dubbed to Glaswegian:

Oppositional reading - Stuart Hall
This has been created in order to go viral - had over half a million views on twitter
Spiraled an internet meme frenzy of people creating them online
By making a joke about it appeals to another audience, an older audience than Pokemon is intended at.
Takes something that is aimed at kids and aims it at adults. - Evident through the constant swearing
This is Henry Jenkins - Fandom Theory - an online community has been created around this
Clay Shirky - End of Audience - the narrator has become the producer as he has created his own narrative around a pre-existing trailer.
Curran and Seaton's Theories

Gay Bomb - Alex Jones

His Videos target people with paranoid schizophrenia. He exploits conspiracy theories and is especially anti government.
Popular conspiracy theories:
-Moon Landing
-Earth is Flat
-Jewish people are controlling the world ( often leads to anti-semitism)

Manipulation of people with mental health issues - who are already paranoid

Momo Doll

Fear mongering that has stemmed from a suicide model in Russia 'Blue Whale'
A hoax - published by many news sources unknowingly
Targets Parents are target after they have bought newspapers such as The Sun
It has been blown out of proportion - as caused a moral panic
It was so effective as it was about their children and the dangers of online media
It is the parents responsibility to look after their children online and Momo taps into the parents guilt

Online media is the worst regulated form of media.


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