Zoella Apartment

Close up shot of her wearing makeup - she is conforming to and reinforcing hegemonically acceptable notions of female beauty. this si further reinforced by the mise-en-sene of flowers of which encodes a symbolic code of femininity, purity, chaisty and being a housewife.

Poppy clings to Nala in a close up shot, connoting love affection and maternal stereotypes. Alfie in the background functions as an appeal to the young heterosexual female audience. It gives the video sex appeal.

Yet another close up - her mode of address adopts a range of close ups in order to make the audience feel like they are a friend. It is out of focus, creates a nature that infers to the target demographic that Zoella is real. It also suggests an informative element that women make mistakes - stereotypically they are a weaker gender. This constructs her as klutzy, clumsy and cute.

Her typeface is very girly, and has a handwritten style, it is cursive and a serif font. It also connotes a childish nature - carefully constructed immaturity. This is because her target audience is much younger than she is. This in combination with her trademark giggling and over the top enthusiasm and excitement over the slightest little thing allows her as a women in her mid 20s appeal to a much younger audience.

The high angle shot of the candle box emphasises commodity fetishism, along with Zoella's vocal excitement at the fact that it can fold out. The clear obsession with the box suggests a stereotype that women are shallow, dumb and easily pleased. Her young and easily impressionable audience are sold a generic product through her shallow attempt at obsessing over packaging instead of the product itself.

Alfie the cameraperson looks down on Zoella in a clear and explicit example of teh heterosexual male gaze. This reinforces Zoella's role in a patriarchal society, by adopting a stereotypically subservient female working class role.
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