"All media products are purely created to ensure financial success" To what extent do you support this statement? Make reference to the set editions of 'Woman' and 'Adbusters'
Component 1 A - 1 1/2 mins per mark
Component 1B - 1 min per mark
Component 2 - 50 mins per industry
Magazines are regulated by IPSO in the UK - it also regulated Newspapers in the UK
Component 1B - 1 min per mark
Component 2 - 50 mins per industry
Magazines are regulated by IPSO in the UK - it also regulated Newspapers in the UK
"All media products are purely created to ensure financial success" To what extent do you support this statement? Make reference to the set editions of 'Woman' and 'Adbusters'
Knee-Jerk Reactions:
Yes - Woman
No - Adbusters (A clear exception to this rule)
Most magzines are driven by profit and power as they need to make money.
Adbusters - Not for profit
Webiste sells merchandise - Not exactly anti-capitalist?
Readership is 120,000 worldwide
Genre independant as it has no official genre
Publish an issue 6 times a year of which makes it bimonthly
Self published (Adbusters Media Foundation)
Il-defined target audienceVery controversial
Doesn't have a brand image - lacks a sense of style (Masthead changes every issue
First published in 1989
Broadly left wing
£10.99 UK cover price - very expensive for a niche audience (Middle class)
Lacks anchorage - so forces the audience to create their own opinions
Detournement (Culture Jamming)
Reinforces capitalist hegemonic norms
Costs 7p (80p modern day) - cheap for a mass mainstream audience
Sold 3 million copies per week. (approx 1 in 9 women every week)
August 29 1964 - Set Edition
Producer = IPC (Horizontally integrated) own other womens lifestyle magazine - by buying out other womens lifestyle magazines they reduce competition
Singular stereotypical representations
Reflects the social historical context of the time
25% market share of the 12 million womens lifestyle magazines sold a week in 1960
Basic magazine for basic people
Founded in 1937 - before the start of the second world war
Target demographic: 30-50 year old working class heterosexual white housewife
Founded in 1937 - before the start of the second world war
Target demographic: 30-50 year old working class heterosexual white housewife
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